Episode 3: Boobs & Protest

Episode 3: Boobs & Protest

Episode 3: Dr. Martinez drifts into the meaning of protest in a noisy media environment, with special guest Dr. Roberta Chevrette   In this episode, Dr. Roberta Chevrette responds to an observation by Orin Klapp in his book, Overload and Boredom: Essays on the...
Episode 2: Slowing Down Media Reactions

Episode 2: Slowing Down Media Reactions

Episode 2: Dr. Martinez drifts with the ideas of Kenneth Burke to explain the value of slowing down our reactions to media stories     In this episode, Dr. Martinez explores the ideas of Kenneth Burke.  Burke was a self-taught intellectual of the 20th...
Episode 1: Fake News W/Guest

Episode 1: Fake News W/Guest

Episode 1: Dr. Martinez discusses the meaning of Fake News with guest Professor of Media & Communication Dr. Keith Massie In this episode, Dr. Keith Massie, professor of communication at Kutztown University, explores the meaning of “fake news.” It is...
Episode 0: Mission & Vision

Episode 0: Mission & Vision

Episode 0: Dr. Jermaine Martinez as he introduces the mission and vision of the podcast, drifting along with Marshall McLuhan   In many ways, the NTK podcast was inspired by the work of Marshall McLuhan.   In this episode, Dr. Martinez drifts along with...